Gerard Hofmann
Board member

Date of birth: 07. 02․ 1964

Place of Birth: Swiss


Education & Training

1991 - Master of Business Administration (lic. oec. publ.) University of Zurich

2006 - University of Chicago Postgraduate Residence School of Business


Professional Trainings


2015 - Certified International Wealth Manager Julius Baer RM PBCertification and yearly compliance trainings and cross boarder educations.

2019 - Fachhochschule Zurich AKAD for Bu-siness/SAQ Swiss Association for Quality/Graduation Class  Certificate “Zertifizierter Verwaltungsrat SAQ”


Professional Experience 

11.02.2022 present - “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC,Board member

2016 present - Gotthard Partners AG, Zurich, Partner

2008 – 2016 - Bank Julius Baer Group, Zurich, Senior Client Advisor, Executive Director

1998 – 2008 - UBS AG Switzerland, Zurich, Senior Client Advisor, Executive Director

In case of any inconsistency between the information published in Russian and English, you need to be guided by Armenian version.
“ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC is not liable for the accuracy of the content of any linked websites, as well as for the advertisements and possible consequences resulted from the use of information provided on the linked websites by the third parties.
Neither is "ARMBUSINESSBANK" CJSC liable for the accuracy of the content of information linked on the websites of third parties about the terms and fee schedule for the services rendered by the Bank.

Official page address of "ARMBUSINESSBANK" CJSC on Facebook:
Official page address of "ARMBUSINESSBANK" CJSC on Instagram:

The Bank is controlled by the Central Bank of Armenia

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