Account |
Armbusinessbank opens and maintains accounts both in local and foreign currencies. As part of cash management services, the Bank offers a wide range of services for transactions conducted through bank accounts, namely cash crediting and debiting, cashless currency conversions, transfers of funds from account within Armenia and abroad. |
Package Account |
The account for social package is a special account opened with the Bank, where amounts provided by the Government of the Republic of Armenia to employees in public agencies and state-owned non-profit organizations of Armenia are transferred.
State support account (family capital maintenance) A State support account is a special account that is opened at the Bank on which the the funds of lump-sum grant for family capital shall be remitted to be allocated for the 3rd and each subsequent child born on January 1, 2014 and after that date. |
Bank account to maintain lump sum payments “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC within the framework of agreements signed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia carries out “Opening and servicing of bank accounts for the maintenance of one-time cash payments (allowances and sums provided under other social security programs)”. |
Social account for the maintenance of pensions and regular cash sums Within the framework of agreements concluded with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC opens and maintains bank accounts for the maintenance of pensions and regular cash sums provided under other social security programs. |
Account-opening-rules-ARM-13122023.pdf |
Demand-deposit-ARM-13122023.pdf |
Documents-list-bank-account-Arm-13122023.pdf |
List-of-documents-for-opening-an-account-Arm-13122023.pdf |
Social-account-newsletter-Arm-13122023.pdf |
list-of-bank-account-documents-of-individuals-Arm-13122023.pdf |
One-time-cash-payments-Arm-13122023.pdf |
List-of-documents-State-assistance-account-Arm-13122023.pdf |
INFORMATION-SUMMARY-State-assistance-account-Arm-13122023.pdf |
Social-package-account-Arm-13122023.pdf |
List-of-documents-Social-package-account-Arm-13122023.pdf |
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Neither is "ARMBUSINESSBANK" CJSC liable for the accuracy of the content of information linked on the websites of third parties about the terms and fee schedule for the services rendered by the Bank.
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