- System to accept online payments for VISA International and MasterCard Worldwide by using 3D secure system was launched
- Dye packs were installed in risk-bearing ATMs of the Bank
- The Bank terminal software was updated
- The Bank started processing of its own electronic wallet
- The Bank arranged for improving the Bank's services provided to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as developed and introduced new banking products, such as loans issued under “Subsidization of interest rates on loans for the implementation of drip irrigation systems” program, “Subsidization of interest rates on loans for the implementation of anti-hail protection networks for the agricultural sector of RA” program, and “Subsidization of interest rates on loans for the creation of intensive orchards in RA grown by using modern technologies” program
- Within the framework of student cards, the list of cooperating educational institutions has been expanded by signing agreements with colleges and specialized schools
- Under cooperation with the Traffic Police, a new project was implemented for salary projects, as well as for the collection and transfer of funds to the budget collected by the Traffic Police
- Periodically, as necessary, the processes for granting loans existing then at the Bank were optimized; the terms and tariffs of loan products (loans under gold collateral, mortgage loans, credit lines under salary projects, etc.) were revised and improved
- In the field of remote customer service, the Bank developed and introduced “Mobile Banking” facility
- Through periodic analyses of the banking system, the Bank revised the terms and tariffs of products, developed and improved several internal regulations
- Agreements were signed to accept payments for water supply and water drainage, housing maintenance and for garbage disposal in the regions
- Correpondent accounts were opened at the Bank: Moscow, Russia, RAIFFEISENBANK AG, Moscow, Russia, TRANSKAPITALBANK, Moscow, Russia (loro).
- During 2017 the Bank undertook efforts to improve banking services rendered to legal entities and private entrepreneurs, as well as new types of banking products were developed and implemented, such as loans issued under the program of partial subsidization of interest rates on loans provided to the agro-processing sector for the procurement (purchase) of agricultural raw materials, pre-export financing and financing under export insurance.
- The Bank signed a loan agreement with the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia to receive financing within the framework of loan program funded by European Investment Bank; a cooperation agreement was concluded with ICJSC “Export Insurance Agency of Armenia”; agreement on partial subsidization of interest rates on loans provided to the agro-processing sector for the procurement (purchase) of agricultural raw materials was signed with “Rural Finance Facility” RAED PIU SA; cooperation agreements were signed with appraisal companies.
- In the sphere of retail business development, a new type of deposit “ARMBUSINESSBANK-STUDENT” was introduced in the form of a promotional campaign in 2017. Significant changes were made to the types of interest payments for the main type of “ARMBUSINESSBANK-BENEFICIAL” deposit.
- The list and geography of ATMs expanded (the number of currency exchange machines increased by 10)
- In the field of remote customer service, the Bank developed and tested Mobile Banking service, which is planned to implement in 2018. To promote Bank services through automated machines, the Bank expanded its partner list (along with Telcell and Easy Pay terminals, the services are also available through Idram terminals).
- With regard to insurance industry, the Bank passed on to ASWA system /a unified system for concluding CMTPLI (APPA) contracts/.
- The following correspondent accounts were opened at the Bank: Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC, Moscow, Russia, Sberbank of Russia (INR account/), Otkritie Bank, Moscow, Russia and KBC, Belgium.
- The Bank also established international business relations with the following banks: IIB (International Investment Bank), Moscow (trade financing), BHF Bank, Germany (trade financing) and Československá obchodní banka, a.s., Czech Republic (trade financing).
- A consulting agreement was signed with Business & Finance Consulting GmbH for consulting services within the framework of "Support to the Agricultural Sector of Armenia" program, as well as Master loan agreement was signed with the Central Bank of Armenia for financing under "Energy Efficiency for SMEs" program
- Agreements were signed for the collection of payments for garbage removal and irrigation in the regions (Hrazdan, Vanadzor, Ararat)
- The Bank signed agreements with community-based administrative institutions (Masis, Ashtarak and other communities) for the provision of paid services
- The Bank established correspondent relations with RA banks (nostro and loro), Interstatebank, Transcapitalbank (Moscow, Russia) and DBS bank, Singapore by opening nostro accounts
- The Bank also established international business relationship with the following banks: MTSBank, Moscow, Russia /signing of Master Agreement/, “National Clearing Center” (AO) Bank, Moscow, Russia /signing of Service Agreement/, Moscow Currency Exchange, Moscow, Russia /acquisition of participant’s rights/.- A new service to replenish customers’ accounts and card accounts through TelCell and EasyPay terminals was implemented
- Agreements were signed with the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Armenia on the maintenance of regional treasury offices in the new branches of the Bank
- "Financing of Purchase Order" and "Financing of Working Capital" loan products were implemented for corporate customers
- Supplementary agreements relating to tariffs and conditions were concluded with partner insurance companies
- The branch network of the Bank expanded: "Arabkir", "Avan", "Aparan", "Charbakh", "Hrazdan", "Tashir" and "Teryan" branches commenced operation
- The Bank commenced migration from "ArCa" payment cards to the cards of "MasterCard Worldwide" and "VISA International" payment systems
- The Bank opened correspondent accounts with Bayerische Landesbank (Bayern LB), Munich, Germany and commercial bank "Eurocommerce" PJSC
- The process of issuing loans under the credit program funded by the Italian UBI bank started
- The process of issuing loans/credit lines under the credit program financed by the European Investment Bank started
- For the purpose of trade financing business relationships were established with German Bayerische Landesbank and BHF banks (financing of the export of German-made goods), etc.
* For corporate clients “ABB-MICRO” and “Business Express” loan products are developed
* А credit program for concluding foreign trade transactions with post-financing is introduced with “The Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”
* “ABB-MINI" and “ABB-AUTO TAX" loan products are offered to individual clients
* "Installment Credit on Spot", including “ABB-Achqi Luys" (Eye Light), “ABB- Installment Credit on Spot”, “ABB-Vega Installment Credit" and “ABB-VIVACELL" Installment Credit” are developed/implemented
* Cooperation agreements to develop and expand factoring operations are signed with several companies
* “Tandem Transfers” and “Converse Transfers” international money transfer systems is operated
* New type of payment Beeline IP TV is implemented /the service is rendered by SPB TV/
* Cooperation agreements are concluded with 4 companies to implement new agency insurance services
* Correspondent accounts are opened with Russian banks “AKB FORA BANK” CJSC, “ANELIK RU” OJSC and “Akademrusbank” OJSC, and Latvian banks “Versobank” AS and “Baltikumsbank”
* Business relationships are established with “The Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”, “Czech Export Bank” and the Italian UBI bank
* Vitaly Grigoryants becomes 100% shareholder of “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC
* By the Board decision of “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC the authorized capital of the Bank was replenished in AMD 5,407,500,000
* Bonus system procedure for the branch network of “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC is developed and implemented
* “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC expands the availability of its services by opening 10 branches in Yerevan and in Gegharkunik, Ararat, Shirak and Aragatsotn regions
* The program testing for utility bills payment through “SERV” currency exchange machines manufactured by SIGMA Spa company is completed
* For corporate customers the following types of loans are implemented: “Financing of purchase order” and “Financing of Working Capital”
* Loan Portfolio Guarantee (DCA) program under USAID is implemented
* Correspondent accounts are opened with Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New York and Deutsche Bank Ag Frankfurt, Germany
* “AVERS” international fast money transfer system is introduced
* New card products are introduced: “Cards for benefits payment”, “My ABB”, “My ABB +” and “AVIA +”
* New types of loans are offered to customers: “ABB – APPArik”, “ABB-Social Package”, “ABB-Extra +”, “ABB-Extra Gold”, “ABB-AGRO Gold”
* Accounts for social packages is arranged
* Registry keeping and custody mediation services, which are provided by "Central Depository of Armenia" OJSC are rendered
* The system of funded pension service is introduced
* SMS banking service is launched
* Acceptance of utility payments is arranged in the branches of NKR
* The service of sending voice messages to borrowers is implemented
* Promotions, active campaigns and expos are carried out on different types of loans and deposits
* Internal regulations are developed/reviewed in accordance with the international ISO standards
2007 Agreements on lending association were concluded with the respective agencies for the German-Armenian Fund “The Stable Market Development for Housing Loans” program (KFW), the World Bank “The Economic Development of Rural Areas” program, Artsakh Investment Fund “Assistance to Small and Medium Size Entrepreneurial Business” program and the AUA “The Development of Trpanjyan Rural Communities” program
2007 The unparalleled in the local banking market exchange machines were launched
2007 Commencement of “Vanadzor”, “Talin” branch offices, “Malatia”, “Gyumri”, “Nork-Marash”, “Stepanakert” and “Kajaran” branch offices
2007 Reinforcement up to 2,6 bln drams of authorized capital of “ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC by the decision of the General meeting of shareholders
2008 Commencement of “Martuni”, “Hadrut”, “Martakert”, “Askeran”, “Armavir”, “Khorenatsi”, “Nor-Nork”, “Kievyan” and “Shengavit” branch offices
2009 Commencement of “Artsakh”, “Erebuni”, “Noragavit”, “Ararat” and “Ani” branch offices
2009 By the decision of the General Shareholders' meeting, Bank's authorized capital was increased in K' 8.450.000 Armenian drams
2009 Bank shiftes Head office business to a newly-erected building at 48 Nalbandyan Street equipped with every necessary facility to provide a comprehensive range of banking service and affording for customer high-level servicing
2009 The Bank started issuing smart cards of MasterCard payment systems, as well as plastic cards of Visa International
2009 Had been signed loan agreements on cooperation with the German Foundation "program of economic adjustment lending", "National Mortgage Company" UCO CJSC NKR: "Riral and wood-economic support fund" and "Fides Mortgage Company"
2009 Lease financing was started
2009 Bank began the process of transfer system "Migom"
2009 Large-scale arrangments were implemented to ensure for the introduction of ISO 9001:2008 International Standards for Quality Management
1991 Banking license was granted by the Central Bank of RA (license #40)
1994 In accordance with the Constituent Agreement “Arminvestbank” CJSC became the successor of the shareholding bank “Arminvestbank”
1994 Bank became a member of the Yerevan Stock Exchange
1995 Bank joint the Banks Union of Armenia
1998 Bank obtained status of dealer in the state bonds market of RA
1998 Associated to the Bankmail electronic payment system
2004 Bank became shareholder of the “Arminkasatsia”
2006 “Ukrprombank” Ltd., Insurance Company “ALPHA-GARANT” ALC and Christie Management Company became the new shareholders of Bank
2006 Bank joined SWIFT system
2006 Bank became emitting and maintaining member of CJSC “ArCa”
2006 Bank was renamed “Armbusinessbank” CJSC
2006 Commencement of “KENTRON” branch office
2006 The Bank affiliated to ANELIK
“ARMBUSINESSBANK” CJSC is not liable for the accuracy of the content of any linked websites, as well as for the advertisements and possible consequences resulted from the use of information provided on the linked websites by the third parties.
Neither is "ARMBUSINESSBANK" CJSC liable for the accuracy of the content of information linked on the websites of third parties about the terms and fee schedule for the services rendered by the Bank.
Official page address of "ARMBUSINESSBANK" CJSC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/armbusinessbankofficial
Official page address of "ARMBUSINESSBANK" CJSC on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/armbusinessbank_official

Head Office: 48 Nalbandyan str., Yerevan 0010, Armenia
Tel: +374 10 59 20 19, +374 60 37 25 00 , +374 10 59 20 20
WhatsApp: +37494114488
Viber: +37494114488
E-mail: info@armbusinessbank.am